After the Itaewon tragedy, investigations were launched to find the cause of the heartbreaking accident, and some South Korean netizens are blaming the police for their lack of crowd control during the incident.
However, a video that was released online recently shows one police officer fighting to control the crowd and prevent further deaths in the Itaewon incident. In the video, the officer is seen screaming and blocking people from moving toward Itaewon alley, where the stampede accident occurred. Nevertheless, there are more people filling the streets.

The police officer continued to shout and cry out to the crowd, "Clear this area. Quickly, please clear out. Please help out. Don't come this way."
Later, the policeman is seen standing on a platform and screaming while pleading to the crowd to stop coming towards Itaewon, screaming, "Please help. Please don't come this way. People are dying. Please! Help out. Move away." The policeman's voice was becoming hoarse as he continued to scream.
One online user who was at the scene during that time explained that the police were pleading and screaming out desperately, but the music on the streets was so loud that people weren't able to hear him too well. Even so, the policeman continued to move people away and tried his best to control the crowd. This online user further added that they found out about the Itaewon incident an hour later when they returned home.
Poor guy, you can see in his eyes the weight of knowing what’s happening and realizing that he is not enough to stop the crowd. Thank you not backing down and trying.
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