Four school teachers have been revealed to be users of the notorious 'Nth Room.'
As previously reported, the perpetrators who ran the 'Nth Room' used Telegram as a platform to commit sexual abuse against victims and sell sexually explicit photos and videos of the victims, including minors, to some 260,000 users. Perpetrator Jo Joon Bin (also known as Baksa) especially caused a stir, and other perpetrators, including God God and others had their identities revealed.
On October 15, Dispatch reported 4 users of the 'Nth Room' have been revealed as school teachers. After the lifetime jail sentence of God God, it was found the 4 teachers paid to see underage pornographic content. An elementary school teacher from Gangwon reportedly paid 200,000 Won ($174.34 USD) last January to use the chatroom, a special education teacher from Chungnam paid 30,000 Won ($26.11 USD) in membership fees to watch 1100 pornographic videos, and a high school teacher from Chungnam watched 200 videos after God God introduced him. A part-time teacher from Incheon also paid in cryptocurrency to use the chatroom.
The 3 full-time teachers have been forced to step down from their positions, and their school districts are preparing to take disciplinary action. The part-time teacher resigned, and their case has been forwarded to prosecution.
Stay tuned for updates.
Hey, wtf! I can't imagine the students' feelings who were taught by these pedophiles😣. Disgusting to the core!