The investigation into the Telegram N chatrooms, which has been created to spread illegal photos and videos from sexual exploitation, continues. All the individuals who received sexually exploitation content in the Telegram chatrooms created and operated by Jo Joo Bin are under investigation. Other than the individuals who left a trace by paying money, close to 300 free users have been identified and booked by the police. Previously, the police had difficulty tracing these free users until now.
Jo Joo Bin had created three paid member user chatrooms and distributed the most photos in the chatroom with the members who paid the highest membership fee.
The police have been tracking down the paid membership uses on the encrypted money transfer logs' details. Recently, the investigation spread to free membership users who downloaded content with sexual exploitation.
According to SBS News, the National Police Agency has identified 280 free users and have directed the local police stations to book the individuals.
The police had difficulties tracking down the free users without the wire transfer details because of the lack of cooperation from Telegram's headquarters. However, the police were able to find a breakthrough when it was uncovered that Jo Joo Bin had told the free users to search for a specific name of a victim, so her name can be in the trending real-time search rankings.
The police obtained a court warrant and were able to get the list of people who searched this victim's name at a specific time on the web and compared them to the free-user chat room participants found on Jo Joo Bin's phone.
It was reported that the police caught Jo Joo Bin after searching that name as well after giving instructions to the free-users.
The police are currently investigating the free users and are considering applying the crimes of obstructing business on the web and manipulating the real-time search ranking.
Police uncover 280 users who were in the infamous 'Telegram N' chat room
Monday, October 12, 2020
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Even if the disturbing content has been viewed by many more, it’s still good to see that 280 people have been identified. I do hope that the punishments won’t be weak, like we’ve seen before.
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