With Seoul's Mayor Park Won-soon found dead, the alleged sexual harassment case, in which a former Seoul city employee sued Mayor Park, is expected to end without investigation.
Meanwhile, there was an unidentified article on the Internet claiming to reveal the contents of the sexual harassment complaint. Mayor Park's bereaved family said they would take legal action if they continue to spread such messages, saying that the honor of the deceased would be seriously deteriorated.
The police confirmed today on July 10th, that a complaint against Mayor Park Won Soon was filed with the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency back on July 8. During the search, the police did not specify the details of the case. And now, this case will be closed without investigation after the mayor was found dead.

The police state that they are following the proper procedures when the accused person dies. The decree states that if a suspect dies, the prosecutor will not indict the case because the prosecutor does not have the right to indict.
As Mayor Park has passed away, there is a possibility that the police may send the case to the prosecution with the opinion that they have no right to indict. Amidst this case, there have been articles from unconfirmed sources that show a part of the complaint and state mayor Park's indictment.
The bereaving family of Mayor Park Won Soon claims those articles are only speculating rumors and that they will file a lawsuit against anyone who is writing such things with ill intent. The family claim "Unfounded and malicious postings are spreading on social media. This will seriously damage the honor of the deceased and we will take any legal action possible."
Moon Mi Ran, former deputy mayor of Seoul's political affairs, also said she would take legal action if anyone spreads such ungrounded information.
The police have stated that there is no confirmation of Mayor Park's suicide is related to this alleged sexual harassment case against him.
remember Budd Dwyer? The Politician Who Killed Himself On Television In 1987 was falsely accused of crimes. but In realty He was a innocent man facing dire consequences. False accusations do have consequences.
I am not saying that Mayor Park is guilty or innocent, but it would be good if a deep investigation is made.
Mayor Park was well known politician for being a philanthropist and a great activist and defender of human rights, which causes him to gain some very powerful enemies.
And We know that politics is dirty, corrupt and tricky.
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