Actress Han Ji Min, showcased an adorable school-inspired look in her recent Instagram post. On December 6th, she shared a series of photos captioned "BEHIND," revealing her casual and trendy outfit featuring an oversized shirt with a loosely knotted tie.
Having debuted in the entertainment industry in 1998 through the CF "Never Stop," Han Ji Min has earned widespread love for her performances in numerous projects. Beyond her outstanding acting skills, she is admired for her consistent volunteer work and good deeds, which have further expanded her fanbase.
In August, Han Ji Min made headlines by going public with her relationship with Choi Jung Hoon, the vocalist of the band Jannabi, overcoming a 10-year age gap.
In 2025, Han Ji Min is set to focus on her acting career with two dramas: ‘Love Scout’ and ‘More Beautiful Than Heaven.’