The upcoming film 'Collapse' (directed by Hyun Hae Ri), set to premiere on January 15th, has garnered significant attention as the final work of the late Song Jae Rim. On December 30th, three character posters were released, capturing the struggles of protagonists grappling with the rise and fall of their ventures.
The posters feature Song Jae Rim as young entrepreneur Yang Do Hyun, Ahn Woo Yeon as Do Hyun's business partner Kang Ji Woo, and Min Sung Wook as their investor and pivotal figure Kevin.
'Collapse' is a crime drama based on the true story of a massive cryptocurrency collapse that wiped out 50 trillion KRW globally. The film draws inspiration from the Luna Coin scandal, which once ranked among the top five cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. In 2022, Luna's value plummeted to less than 1 KRW per coin, resulting in an estimated 280,000 victims in South Korea alone.
To ensure accuracy, the film underwent meticulous pre-production research, consulting legal experts and real-world cases. It was supported by the Korea Creative Content Agency as part of its new media content division.
'Collapse,' depicting the global fallout of the Luna Coin collapse, will be released on January 15th, 2025.