Hyeri recently opened up about the stories behind some of her childhood photos in a video on her YouTube channel. The video follows Hyeri as she visits Seosulla-gil in Jongno to promote her latest movie, ‘Victory.’ Seosulla-gil has recently gained popularity after being featured on MBC’s variety show ‘I Live Alone,’ where it was visited by Jun Hyun Moo.
In the video, Hyeri described her outfit for the day, saying, “Today’s look is inspired by ‘Hello Jadoo’ and ‘Sassy Girl Chun-hyang.’” She then recalled a childhood memory, saying, “When I was young, my parents would want to tie my hair up during the hot summer, but I would scream and throw a fit. I was such a handful back then,” she admitted with a laugh.
Hyeri also shared an old photo of herself where she sported a unique hairstyle cut by her father. In the photo, young Hyeri is seen smiling with her head tilted to one side. “If you look at all my childhood photos, they’re pretty much like this,” she said, laughing at the memory.
Currently, Hyeri is meeting audiences in her latest role as the lead in the newly released movie ‘Victory.’
SEE ALSO: Hyeri shares moments in a bikini in the Philippines