The beloved Choo family is set to make a return to television after a six-year hiatus. According to reports from Xports News, the family, consisting of martial artist Choo Sung-hoon, model Yano Shiho, and their daughter Choo Sarang, will appear on the new ENA Saturday variety show, 'My Child's Private Life.'
The Choo family gained widespread popularity from 2013 to 2016 through their appearances on KBS 2TV's 'Happy Sunday - The Return of Superman,' where they won over audiences with their heartwarming interactions and the adorable charm of young Choo Sarang, affectionately nicknamed 'Choovely.' Her cute appearance, characterized by her signature bangs and endearing personality, made her a fan favorite.
In 2017, the family appeared in SBS's 'Choovely Family Outing,' which documented their travels in Mongolia. They also made a brief appearance in 2018 on SBS’s 'Same Bed, Different Dreams 2: You Are My Destiny' during the episode featuring soccer player Jung Dae-se and his wife. Now, the family's upcoming appearance on 'My Child's Private Life' marks their first joint TV appearance in six years, sparking considerable anticipation.
Choo Sarang, who was born in 2011 and is now 12 years old, has been living in both Japan and Hawaii. Her recent appearances on tvN Story and tvN's 2022 variety show 'Follow Me Now' and the 2023 program 'Boss in the Mirror' surprised fans with her rapid growth and maturity. Expectations are high for how much she has grown since then and what new facets of her life will be revealed in the upcoming show.
'My Child's Private Life' is a variety show that gives viewers a glimpse into the lives of children as they take on new challenges, showing sides of them that their parents might not even know. The show is produced by the original team behind 'The Return of Superman,' a show that defined the era of parenting reality TV.
'My Child's Private Life' is set to premiere on September 7th at 8:30 PM KST, promising to be a heartwarming and nostalgic experience for fans of the Choo family and other beloved stars.
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