Seventeen's S.Coups is delaying his fansign event due to health issues.
On June 8, reports revealed S.Coups would not be able to attend Seventeen's first fan signing event for their latest album '17 is Right Here'. The notice stated, "Regarding the first fansign event for Seventeen's '17 is Right Here' scheduled for today, S.Coups' fansign is postponed due to his poor health condition. The new date and details for the postponed fansign will be sent to the winners at a later time."
In other news, S.Coups was declared exempt from mandatory military service following his knee surgery earlier this year.
Stay tuned for updates.

SEE ALSO: Seventeen donates 1 Billion KRW (3,000) to help wildfire victims
Poor guy! He’s had a rough year- hope he feels 100% soon!
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