Amidst the ongoing power struggle between Min Hee Jin, the CEO of ADOR, and HYBE, a petition has emerged calling for Min Hee Jin's departure from HYBE. Titled "MIN HEE JIN Leave HYBE Company," the petition was posted on the international petition site on May 27.
The petitioner, identified as ARMY Forever, a fan presumed to support the global group BTS, explained the reason for initiating the petition, stating, "It has recently been revealed that a specific individual has been spreading false information about some groups like BTS, Ailee, and LE SSERAFIM and leading harassment campaigns." Naming Min Hee Jin as the specific individual, the petitioner urged for a thorough investigation into the matter. Furthermore, compensation for the damages incurred by the company and artists due to Min's actions was demanded.
Additionally, the petitioner attached translated articles about Min Hee Jin and KakaoTalk conversations between Min Hee Jin and a shaman named 'A'. As of 7 PM on the same day, 21,702 individuals have signed the petition, with the goal set at 25,000 signatures. Furthermore, comments on the petition also advocated for Min Hee Jin's resignation, with statements like "We don't want her near BTS" and "Vacate the 16th floor."
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'Started by ARMY FOREVER' 😂
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