Amidst the ongoing feud between SM Entertainment and EXO-CBX (Chen, Baekhyun, and Xiumin) feud, EXO fans are growing weary as they wait for the full group's comeback. With the latest ongoing feud, there have been uncertainties about EXO's comeback this year.
Initially, fans supported Chen, Baekhyun, and Xiumin and wished the best for the trio. However, with this new conflict, fans are starting to lose their trust in Chen, Baekhyun, and Xiumin. Some are questioning if the trio is thinking about what's best for fans.
On June 17, Baekhyun took to Bubble to leave a message for fans, but it has not been accepted warmly. He wrote, "To Eri (fans), who gave me unconditional love in a world without unconditionality, I hope that today is a little better than yesterday. I just miss you a lot."
Rather than receiving comfort from Baekhyun's words, fans and netizens are criticizing the singer for using fans' emotions to buy support.
Korean netizens and fans commented:
"Why is this so cringe."
"He's using fans' emotions, which I find it disgusting."
"This is so cringe."
"...He loves fans but he loves money."
"This is not going to work anymore."
"Why is he being like this."
"He's so wicked."
"He's making me disgusted now."
"Now that I know the situation...this is just funny."
"This is just so funny to me now."
I don't see anything bad with the message??
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