Onew greeted fans on MBC's 'Hang Out with Yoo', looking healthy and well.
On the May 25th episode of 'Hang Out with Yoo,' SHINee members made a guest appearance. As May 25th is the group's debut anniversary, members shared their thoughts on celebrating the 16th debut anniversary during the show.
Onew especially garnered attention as he took a hiatus last June due to health issues, and worried fans also noticed he was thinner than usual around the same time. Yoo Jae Suk asked, "You all met when you were teenagers, and now that you all are in your 30s, how is it different back then and now?"
Key answered, "We used to treat each other like co-workers but after a decade together, we share much more than that. Now I feel we understand each other." Onew added, "I believe we could be together for the past 16 years - and I would have done the same - because the members were patient with me."
The relevant segment begins around the 8:52 mark in the video below.
He was looking healthy and performed really well here in Singapore's annual Star Awards last month. He carried himself well on the red carpet and on stage when the awards started and I believed that endeared himself well to people who don't know him here.
The next morning after the awards, he was praised by the radio DJs of at least 2 radio stations here. Some of the industry veterans here did not know who he was during the awards rehearsal, all they saw was a young-looking man in shorts singing his heart out and giving out infectious energy and was cheered by the awards production crew. They then mentioned how he came across the veterans after the rehearsal and politely introduced himself. The veterans then knew how much of influence he and his group has from their children and grandchildren and felt even more surprised by his actions towards them despite his status and achievements in Asia. Ultimately, how someone carry themselves in front of others is really important and Onew did it wonderfully here.