SHINee's Taemin is reportedly signing with Big Planet Made after leaving longtime label SM Entertainment.
According to reports on March 5, Taemin is signing with Big Planet Made after officially parting ways with SM Entertainment later this month. After debuting as a member of SHINee in 2008, Taemin has been under SME's management for 16 years, and it's expected SHINee's promotions as a group will continue under the label.
Big Planet Made, which is also known as BPM Entertainment, stated on the matter, "In terms of signing with Taemin, we're currently in the middle of checking facts internally."
What's causing some controversy is that Big Planet Made previously made headlines for allegedly attempting to poach EXO-CBX. Last year, EXO-CBX (Chen, Baekhyun, Xiumin) announced they would be suing SM Entertainment to terminate their exclusive contracts, and reports speculated they'd been influenced by MC Mong, who was formerly an executive producer at Big Planet Made. Though BPM Entertainment denied MC Mong has influence in the company's management, netizens speculate this isn't true as he was originally registered as an executive director at the label's founding.
Following reports Taemin could join Big Planet Made, netizens expressed their disapproval. They stated, "I'm disappointed in MC Mong," "It seems like a lot of SM Entertainment artists go over to MC Mong's label," "Why is MC Mong trying to take so many SM Entertainment idols," and more.
MC Mong himself has also been at the center of multiple controversies, including evading conscription in 2010 and recently ignoring a court summons.
Artists under BPM seem a whole lot happier than those under SM so...as long as he's happy
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