There could be moments when you're feeling a bit low and could use something to brighten your day. It could be anything. Even a straightforward quote has the power to offer the comfort and distraction you need. Kim Seokjin is one such person who can make you laugh anytime you want. He radiates love and fun and never fails to bring joy.
So, whenever you need a reason to smile, let the BTS star be the source of your laughter. Here are 8 quotes by Jin that perfectly encapsulate the essence of happiness.
1. “If any of you feel lost in the face of uncertainty or the pressure of starting something new, don’t rush. You may find any moment can be turned into an opportunity.”

2. “There are times when my mind is a mess but I try to find the reason and solve that before it actually becomes a worry.”

3. “Worries? Everyone has worries. You might feel a little unhappy when you have them but it will pass and soon after you feel happiness again.”

4. “People tend to read too much into every stuff, I hope we will take it easy and go easy on ourselves.”

5. “Everything becomes a bad thing when you think negative. When you think positive, things will get better.”

6. “We all speak different languages. We all come from different cultures. But we share one thing — and that’s the feeling of happiness.”

7. “I'm the one I should love in this world. Shining me, precious soul of mine, I finally realized so I love me.”

8. “Your presence can give someone happiness. I hope you remember that.”

So, which quote by Seokjin is your favourite? The one that made you smile or feel happy!
seokjin is the true inspiration to everyone.
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