Actor Kim Jung Hyun, who will be returning to the big-screen soon in the mystery thriller 'Unforgivable', recently took part in a roundtable interview with the press to poignantly reflect on the past year.
Previously in January of this year, Kim Jung Hyun confirmed his return to acting after a lengthy hiatus through the MBC drama, 'Kokdu: Season of Deity'. Now, the actor will star in 'Unforgivable', his first title role film in approximately 8 years, premiering on December 13.
In 2021, Kim Jung Hyun became wrapped up in controversies over his private life, facing suspicions that he was gaslit by his ex-girlfriend, Seo Ye Ji.

Thinking back on how the issue had received high media attention, Kim Jung Hyun said, "The pain that I suffered was momentary, compared to what my family went through. I just felt so apologetic toward them. There was nothing I could do to take responsibility for my actions, and I felt like I was powerless and insignificant." As he spoke, the actor stole tears.
He then added on, "Despite everything, there were still people who voiced their support for me, including my family, friends, and fans. When my guilt was at its highest point, I even doubted their support. But I eventually decided that I would try my best again, so that those people who are on my side can live proudly and happily. Thinking that I wanted to repay those people became motivation for my return."

On his current outlook, Kim Jung Hyun reflected, "There is no way for me to change how the public perceives me. I think all I can do is to not run away but face what's in front of me, getting back up if I trip and remembering to not make the same mistakes again. I just have to prove myself through acting until the day comes when the public sees me for my work, and not for my controversies."
Finally, Kim Jung Hyun stated, "Some phrases that have helped me overcome my difficulties are 'All things pass with time' and 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'. But maybe it's about time I start looking up some more positive phrases."

Well, I Hope He Comes Back Stronger! I for one support his decision. No one knows what it's like to be in a situation like his unless you experienced it. I'm looking forward to his new movie and future endeavors. As far as the actress is concerned.............I got nothing!