Former UKISS member Alexander embarks on a Hollywood adventure. On November 21 KST,Tango Music announced that Alexander has secured a role in the Hollywood film 'Home Sweet Home Rebirth,' inspired by a popular video game. In this movie, Alexander takes on the role of an enigmatic monk, serving as the trusted ally of the protagonist, Jake (played by William Moseley). He plays a pivotal role in rescuing Moseley's wife and confronting the film's antagonist.
'Home Sweet Home Rebirth' is a live-action adaptation of the widely acclaimed survival thriller video game that has sold over 1 million copies worldwide.
Notably, Alexander shares the screen with renowned actors like William Moseley, known for his role in 'The Chronicles of Narnia,' Michele Morrone from the Netflix original '365 Days,' and Thai actor and model Urassaya Sperbund, among others.
Alexander is set to commence filming 'Home Sweet Home Rebirth' in Thailand, marking a significant milestone in his career.
Squirreltoo (Banned)9,061 pts Monday, November 20, 2023 0Congratulations, that is a big role!