On July 15, 2023 the official Seventeen YouTube channel released a video titled '[Code Name Seventeen Part One Interview]' where members Joshua Hong and Hansol Vernon Chwe (Choi HanSol) interviewed the cast members of 'Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning.' The interviewer probed various topics, delving into the details of the movie production. Questions ranged from the actors' favorite scenes, to the extent of the preparation undertaken by one of the actresses for a driving/drifting sequence. Furthermore, they expressed interest in finding out which action-packed moment the cast was most eager for fans to see. The conversation also addressed more challenging aspects of the production, including the difficulties encountered during the filming of a particularly daunting train scene, among other aspects.
Watch the part 1 interview below.
What do you think of the interview and Joshua and Vernon's Host and Interview Skills? Are you hoping they do more interviews as hosts in the future?
They are just so hilarious 🌸🌸😂