IST Entertainment has just released a new statement as of April 20 KST, confirming that some members of boy group VICTON have decided to not renew their exclusive contracts.
The agency revealed,
"Hello, this is IST Entertainment.
We offer our deep and heartfelt thanks to fans for their love and support of our agency artist VICTION.
We would like to notify you our official statement regarding the expiration of VICTON's contracts and the future promotional activities of the team.
The agency will conclude its management duties of VICTON members Hanse, Byungchan, and Subin as of April 20 KST with the expiration of these individual members' exclusive contracts.
This decision was reached based on mutual respect after a lengthy and serious debate between the members and the agency ahead of their contract expirations.
The other members - including Seungwoo who was recently discharged from his mandatory service, Seungsik who is currently carrying out his mandatory duties, and Sejun who is due to enlist in June of this year - will continue to be housed under our management for the time being, based on the fact that their exclusive contract periods were moved with military enlistment matters involved.
These three remaining VICTON members will actively pursue their solo schedules such as their musical roles and/or their mandatory military service duties, and they will receive full support from IST Entertainment for various activities in the field.
We ask for you unchanging love and encouragements toward the VICTON members from now on.
Since their debut in 2016, VICTON represented the greatest artists and partners any management could have worked with, always showcasing a sincere attitude and great effort.
Although our relationship with the three mentions mentioned earlier will come to an end now, we will always bless and cheer for these members who are preparing for a fresh, new start.
Thank you."

Since the remaining members will focus on solo activities, does that mean the group is disbanding? That's not really clear from their statement.
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