On the morning of April 6 KST, Shinhwa's Hyesung attended the first court hearing for his driving under the influence and stolen vehicle case.
The Shinhwa member was previously arrested in October of last year after being found sleeping in a car, parked in the middle of a roadway. The singer initially refused a breathalyzer test by police, then was brought in for investigation, after which it was discovered that the car he was found sleeping in was a stolen car. It was eventually determined that Hyesung did not steal the car on purpose, but mistakenly took the vehicle in his state of drunkenness.
Notably, this is not Hyesung's first offense for driving under the influence. The singer was charged for drunk driving once in April of 2007.
Now, at his first court hearing on April 6, Hyesung's legal representative stated, "The defendant has suffered from various illnesses such as panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and depression, developed during his 25-year career in the entertainment industry. His symptoms worsened severely in early 2021, and so Hyesung decided to abstain from drinking alcohol during this period. He worried many of his acquaintances, as they could not reach him for a time. However, fearing that his illnesses would go public and would be received in a negative light, Hyesung did not seek medical treatment. On the day of the incident, Hyesung was invited to a gathering of acquaintances he had not seen for 13-years. Consuming alcohol in excess for the first time in 2 years, Hyesung blacked out and was unable to act rationally. He admits to his wrongdoings, but it is not true that he drinks and drives habitually."
Additionally, Hyesung personally admitted to his wrongdoings and apologized for his misconduct in front of the court, pleading guilty. Meanwhile, prosecution is seeking 2 years in prison for the Shinhwa member.

It's crazy to me how many of these celebs drink and drive. Like bruh you are pretty rich, just get an uber or taxi to take you home wtf. Why are they risking their career just so they can drive home while being drunk?
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