Rookie girl group tripleS has revealed their official fandom name.
On April 10, tripleS announced through their social media sites that their fandom name would officially be known as 'WAV'! The name derives from the Waveform Audio File Format, an audio file standard for storing digital audio.

The name was suggested and chosen by fans through their latest 'Gravity' vote on their APP 'Cosmo', amongst other options created by fans: everS, SwiSSe, Byte, Link, CosmoSSS, and AxiS.

Meanwhile, tripleS are currently preparing for the debut of their second subunit +(KR)ystal Eyes in the first week of May, which will consist members Seoyeon, Soomin, Chaeyeon, and Jiwoo.
Stay tuned for more updates on tripleS.
It shud hv been everS 😭
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