The popular South Korean survival idol competition show, 'Boys Planet,' has been gaining immense popularity since it aired its first episode. The show, which aims to form a new global boy group, has now revealed its second ranking, narrowing down the contestants further.
'Boys Planet' is an idol survival show produced by Mnet, the same network behind hit shows such as 'Produce 101' and 'Kingdom.' The show brings together 99 contestants from 22 different countries, all competing for a chance to debut as part of a new global boy group.
The second ranking was revealed in the latest episode, which aired on March 23. This ranking is the second elimination result that has narrowed the pool of contestants to the final 28. With further eliminations to come, the final nine will be able to debut and become the next global boy group.
Without further ado, here are the results of the second ranking!
The TOP 9:
1. Sung Han Bin
2. Zhang Hao
3. Han Yu Jin
4. Seok Matthew
5. Kim Ji Woong
6. Kim Gyu Vin
7. Kim Tae Rae
8. Keita
9. Park Gun Wook
Ranks 10-28
10. Kum Jun Hyeon
11. Lee Hoe Taek
12. Jay
13. Park Han Bin
14. Ricky
15. Yoon Jong Woo
16. Haruto
17. Yoo Seung Eon
18. Seo Won
19. Wang Zi Hao
20. Na Kamden
21. Lee Seung Hwan
22. Chen Kuan Jui
23. Zhang Shuai Bo
24. Lee Jeong Hyeon
25. Takuto
26. Cha Woong Ki
27. Ollie
28. Hiroto
talented trainees like wumuti, junghyun, honghai, cong, yunseo were eliminated yet y’all decided to keep takuto, a 15 year old boy who cries every single episode and has mid skills just bc y’all find him cute and shuaibo, another boy who quite obviously doesn’t care enough to try in each round and has an attitude problem bc of his visuals ? gtfo
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