An interesting cast of celebs will be getting together for TVING's upcoming new game variety, 'BroMarble'!
Set in the global city of Dubai, 'BroMarble' challenges seven celebrity players to a life-sized version of the popular Korean board game, 'Blue Marble'. Similar to 'Monopoly', 'Blue Marble' is an investment game where players purchase cities on a game board, then collect passage fees for any visitors who stop in their cities. But on 'BroMarble', the game will proceed with Dubai's most famous landmarks and real-life cash!
Players will also be able to enjoy travel activities at each of the landmarks they arrive at, but with a catch. After all, landmarks aren't just limited to luxurious, modern sights and places; there are also deserts and an uninhabited islands!
Cast members including Lee Seung Gi, Ji Suk Jin, Super Junior's Kyuhyun, Lee Dong Hwi, Yoo Yeon Seok, Seventeen's Joshua, and Hoshi will star in this exciting new game variety program, coming to TVING some time in the first half of 2023. Filming is expected to take place in Dubai very soon.
Do you like the premise of TVING's 'BroMarble' so far?

I can already imagine Jee Seokjin's fate in this kind of game... He might go bankrupt 😂