Imagine your first day back to school after vacation only to find that your teacher has been switched out with a K-drama teacher! Wouldn't that be absolutely incredible? Here are seven K-drama teachers we would love to learn from!
1. Jung In Jae from "School 2013": As a teacher, you never know what to expect from your class. A new year means a new class, and Jung In Jae from "School 2013" surely didn't get the best class, instead, she got the toughest students. But a class full of rebellious students doesn't stop her, but further inspires her to put in even more effort to teach these kids to think for themselves!
2. Yoon Deok Man from "Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo": Even though he trains and coaches heavy-weight lifters, don't fear! For Yoon Deok Man may seem intimidating at first, but is a complete cinnamon roll for his students! Always looking out for what's best for them and wanting the best for them too!
3. Han Soo Jung in "God of Study": When the higher-ups look down on the capabilities of students, you can be reassured that Han Soo Jung will take the bullet. Willing to defend her students at all costs for the injustices that are brought upon them, Han Soo Jung is someone you do not want to mess with, which makes her one of the best teachers to have!
4. Oh Hyuk in "Dream High": A teacher that finds potential in every student no matter the fact that their weaknesses outshine their strengths is definitely a teacher that everyone can use within their lives. Oh Hyuk from "Dream High" is exactly this perfect educator role model!
5. Park Ha Sun in "High Kick: Revenge of the Short Legged": Teaching high school students is never an easy task, but that doesn't stop Park Ha Sun from doing all she can to care for the students! Just be careful; some days, she might do something crazy and completely unexpected! Showing a completely different side to herself!
6. Seo Min Jung in "High Kick Through the Roof": Although she was someone very clumsy and often made fun of by her students, you cannot deny the fact that Seo Min Jung in "High Kick Through the Roof" is one of the most pure-hearted, caring teachers within K-dramas!
7. Han Ji Pyeong in "Start Up": He may not be an actual teacher, but he was a mentor teaching the reality of what it's like to be in the world of starts ups, Han Ji Pyeong is one you don't want to mess with. He'll get to the nitty gritty, but at least you'll be more than prepared to tackle the competitive world of tech and business!
Teachers are some of the best people in the world! They teach you the ways of life and can be a great source of inspiration too! Which of these K-drama teachers would you want teaching your homeroom?
Yang Jong-Hoon from Law School? For me he is the best teacher in a kdrama