On October 4, Park Soo Hong was assaulted by his own father when he was attending the cross-examination at the Western District Prosecutor's Office in Seoul for the embezzlement case involving his older brother.
It was reported that Park Soo Hong was even transported to the hospital after being assaulted by his father during his cross-examination at the prosecutor's office. In addition to the news, there were accounts of the incident in which witnesses stated that Park Soo Hong's father said, "It's a pity I didn't have a weapon," during the prosecution investigation after the assault and "I would have really stabbed him if I had a weapon."
Park Soo Hong's sister-in-law and his father were said to have gone to a nearby restaurant to have lunch after the assault. During the meal, the two didn't seem to show any emotional distress or remorse about the situation.

SBS Entertainment News reporters spoke to Park Soo Hong's father, who returned to the prosecutor's office after lunch. Park Soo Hong's father spoke out, saying, "What are you curious about?" and added, "I think I should talk to the press too now."
Park Soo Hong's father admitted that he had assaulted his son at the prosecutor's office and explained, "He should be properly greeting his parent that he hasn't seen in a year and a half. So I kicked him in the shin once. His brother was sitting there in prison clothes, and he should say 'How are you?' or 'I'm sorry' when he sees his parent. We supported him all this time, doing his laundry, cooking him food, and cleaning for him. I'm not some dog or pig that I need to be treated this way."
When asked, "Why does Park Soo Hong have to be sorry?" his father replied, "He called over his father, who is past 80 years old, to a place like this to get investigated; he should at least say sorry." The reporter continued, "Isn't that because Park Soo Hong's older brother was arrested for embezzlement, and you were called as a witness?" In response, his father said, "It's because he made his brother look like a thief through the media."

Park Soo Hong sued his older brother on embezzlement charges in April last year. According to the complaint, Park Soo Hong accused his brother of stealing 10 billion KRW (~7.1 million USD) over the past 10 years. Then prosecutors requested an arrest warrant for his brother for the corporate embezzlement of 2.1 billion KRW (~1.5 million USD), and it is known that Park Soo Hong's brother was arrested and is currently under investigation for additional embezzlement.
However, Park Soo Hong's father vehemently denied that Park Soo Hong's older brother embezzled money. His father explained, "He (Park Soo Hong) didn't really make that much money. It's only been 10 years. The money earned was actually from the three apartments that were bought. He didn't really make that much money."
The reporter asked, "On the other hand, your eldest son has tens of billions of KRW (millions of dollars) in real estate. What about that?" Park Soo Hong's father explained, "That is because my eldest son is an expert in real estate (investment). He brought me to Magok-dong when it was an empty wasteland and asked me, 'How is this place?' Then, my eldest son invested the money there; it (the building) has 8 stores now."

Park Soo Hong's older brother is said to own more than eight shopping centers in the Magok-dong area in Seoul. His real estate alone is worth over 20 billion KRW (14.2 million USD), and it is known that the monthly rental income is in the tens of millions of KRW.
Park Soo Hong's father argued that Park Soo Hong owns 50% of those shopping centers and his older brother owns the other 50%. But when the SBS reporters checked the official registration of those shopping malls, Park Soo Hong's name was nowhere to be found under the ownership names. Instead, most of the shopping malls are under the name of his older brother and his brother's wife, with 2% owned by Park Soo Hong's mother.
Park Soo Hong claimed, "I believed in my brother because he said, 'here this is your shopping mall' but it turned out that my name did not exist on the registration." Park Soo Hong is claiming that his older brother had deliberately embezzled money and deceived him.
Regarding the embezzlement charges, Park Soo Hong's father is now claiming he is the one who did it and not the oldest brother.
what an excuse of a father 🤮