Rain's agency announced that it will take stern legal action against the baseless rumors that the singer is cheating on his wife, Kim Tae Hee, with a professional golfer.
It is now revealed that Kim Tae Hee's agency also responded to the rumors.
On October 6, News media outlet Chosun Ilbo revealed the phone conversation with Kim Tae Hee's agency. Kim Tae Hee's agency explained, "It (the rumor) is baseless," and added, "We don't have a position to state because it is a completely groundless story."
The agency elaborated, "When she first heard (the rumor), actress Kim Tae Hee laughed out loud because it was so ridiculous" and said, "Kim Tae Hee said she never even seen the professional golfer who is pointed out as the one who is having the affair with rain."
Meanwhile, earlier this week, a rumor about a "top star" who was cheating on his wife was published by 'Woman Sense' magazine. According to the rumor, this "top star" is known as the star of all stars for being top-tier in singing, dancing, acting, and more. The rumor claimed that the "top star," who is married to a woman of renowned beauty and intelligence, was currently cheating on his wife with a pro-golfer, 'A.' Furthermore, the rumor alleged that the "top star" even had a separate apartment with 'A' and that he had been found out by his wife once and warned.
In the history of scandals with cheating among celebrities in the world there was probably one of the loudest and scandalous with the British actor Hugh Grant, who was then one of the world's most famous actors. Years ago, he cheated on his very beautiful, sexy fiancé actress Elizabeth Hurley, then considered one of the most beautiful women in the world, with a street, unattractive prostitute. The police caught him, literally in the act. The media around the world buzzed about it for months. Men are also cheating on beautiful women. I do not write that this is the case, but the fact that the wife or husband are beautiful or handsome does not mean that they cannot be cheated on. Infidelity doesn't work that way.
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