MAMAMOO Moonbyul's cover of Day6's "Congratulations" for the Korean variety show "Second World," where female kpop rappers become vocalists, has successfully entered and topped various iTunes charts across the world. Released on September 16th on international platforms, the singer's rendition of the song debuted on the worldwide iTunes song chart at No. 42 World Wide (NEW).
So far, MoonByul is the only contestant to chart on the Worldwide iTunes Song Chart from the Round 1 performances on "Second World." The track so far has reached number 1 in the Philippines, Malaysia, and Taiwan. Furthermore, the track ranked among the Top 5 on iTunes in Hong Kong, Slovakia, Columbia, Singapore, and just out of the top 10 in Indonesia, Thailand, and more.
Needless to say, moomoos are incredibly proud of the singer, who has been known by the fandom to be doubtful of her vocal abilities. But her performance and hard work over the years have once again proven what many fans have been saying MoonByul has what it takes to be a main vocalist, and can't wait for the singer to continue to showcase it on the show in the upcoming weeks.
"Congratulations" to MoonByul! Pun intended.
I'm so proud of her! Her voice is so unique and I'm so happy that she's getting such a warm reception lately as a vocalist.
Go, Moonbyul!!