Kep1er's Chaehyun will be skipping outon her schedule due to health issues.
On June 2, Kep1er's labels Swing Entertainment and WAKEONE posted to the girl group's fan cafe, "Kep1er's Chaehyun is being treated at a hospital for sudden poor health condition due to increased stress ahead of the final competition for 'Queendom 2' today. She's very willing to participate in the final stage of 'Queendom 2', but Chaehyun is worried she'll hurt the team. She's doing her best to recover."
Kep1er are currently competing on Mnet's 'Queendom 2'. Stay tuned for udpates on Kep1er and Chaehyun.
This is also why I didn't agree with Mnet putting Kepler in Queendom, it's clearly still too early for them to even be there they need more experience... they constantly say they are stressed by the competition and them constantly low ranking is hurting more than helping...
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