Japan welcomes V's OST "Christmas Tree" with records on the first day of its release
Posted by Pie7837,300 pts Thursday, January 13, 2022
Japan couldn't wait for V's OST to be released there, and they showed a warm welcome expressing their excitement over its release in Japan finally after more than two weeks of its release worldwide.
It's only been more than a day since the song's release, and it's already making and breaking many records.
"Christmas Tree" reached #1 on Japan iTunes in less than 3 hours.
V became "The first and only Korean soloist to reach top ITunes Japan" with 2 solo songs ('Sweet Night' and 'Christmas Tree') he was "The first Korean soloist" to top Japan iTunes with "Sweet Night."
It's only been more than a day in Japan, and the OST already is receiving so much love, topping charts and making records, and receiving praise from Japanese artists who raved about V's heavenly voice.
orangemiracle1,402 ptsThursday, January 13, 2022 1
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Kim Taehyung is well loved by Japanese Army's and always proven by how much they supports him in every songs and comebacks he did. As much as we love him too. V supremacy lives on and on and on.
27(+29 / -2)
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Africanviolet1211,510 ptsThursday, January 13, 2022 0
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Japan have always been KimTaehyung loyal supporter ever since he debuted. Japan loves V and Christmas Tree. Cheers to you,Taehyung for lending your voice. You did justice to the song with your deep,soulful voice. Well done.
Kim Taehyung is well loved by Japanese Army's and always proven by how much they supports him in every songs and comebacks he did. As much as we love him too. V supremacy lives on and on and on.
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