Posted by hereitgoes26,502 pts Monday, November 15, 2021
"Yours" by Jin gets played on the UK's biggest radio station and becomes the highest charting OST in history there
"Yours" by Jin that was released on November 7 and became the biggest Korean OST debut in Spotify history, keeps achieving more and more records.
On November 15, it became the highest-ranking OST in history (#24) on the UK Top40 radio station. What's interesting is that UK Top40 is the biggest radio station in the country with the largest audience. "Yours" by Jin got played on it, which excited the fans.
A beautiful ballad by Jin out-stands with its' complex vocal component. Jin's mixes, falsettos, riffs, and wide range deserve the appreciation they get. His voice in "Yours" makes your ears melt and enjoy his unique vocal color. Jin's vocal abilities make him stand out among other tenors which were highlighted in "Yours."
seokjin has one of the most unique vocal colour. he has a wide range, and hits both lower and higher registers with ease. he has such a versatile vocal that suits any genre and needs mere seconds to switch from lower to higher registers, very different from other tenor singers.
Yours is on mission to set records day by day. I am so proud. Congratulations Jin 🎉