Kim Jong Kook is starting his process to prove that he is not on any form of enhancers, steroids, or HRT.
On November 11, Kim Jong Kook uploaded a video showing the blood test results he received on November 6. He explained the results came out on the 9th and had posted the video on this day to explain his position on this recent controversy.
In the video, the doctor who conducted the blood test explained that the blood work results would be able to reveal if Kim Jong Kook had received HRT as enhancers or if his hormones are naturally produced.

The doctor explained there are two ways of increasing testosterone levels - getting injected or working out. He added that some overseas athletes caused controversy after receiving testosterone shots as enhancers and explained that testosterone is a form of steroids. He explained after the hormone therapy that the individual will go through a drastic change in the hormone levels.
Kim Jong Kook also personally spoke in regards to the allegations and explained, "When I heard about it, I laughed it off thinking it was nothing. In his perspective, he might think, 'He's a celebrity, so it's possible,' The way of thinking is different. His way of thinking is very different from the Korean way of thinking so I thought 'He's free to think that way.' I was trying to think positively thinking 'I, a Korean celebrity, am getting a lot of attention overseas too,' but it was on the news so I couldn't just laugh it off anymore." He added, "Once people see me in real life, they'll know I'm not using it. Most people know everything about me is natural. But I thought it's necessary to mention this and clear things before people say otherwise."

Also, Kim Jong Kook explained that he is very concerned with what goes in his body and has some sort of OCD when it comes to injecting something in his body that might affect it. Therefore, he stated he didn't even drink coffee until five years ago because of the caffeine. He added, "Anyway, I never get anesthetics when getting a gastroscopy or colonoscopy. That's how sensitive I am about something entering my body."
In addition, Kim Jong Kook revealed the results of his blood test and revealed that he had a naturally higher testosterone level than the average male in their 40s. The doctor explained that HRT is a therapy in which outside hormone is injected and added that HRT is ubiquitous overseas, and there are many individuals who go through HRT. However, the precursors that create testosterone would not increase even if an individual went through HRT. Kim Jong Kook was found to have a high level of that precursor. Therefore, the doctor explained that this would prove Kim Jong Kook did not go through HRT.
If you are not a big fan of KJK and don't know what he has been going through since a teenager (having a bad back due to sports and having to workout to fix it), you may think otherwise of his body results. But, that being said, the man who made assumptions about him should have done his research (there are a ton of videos where KJK explains why he works out so much and eats the way he does) before making deductions by just looking at him. Especially if he planned to make a video about it.
And yes, SK has very strict drug laws so, even if you are taking something legal or an enhancement, you will unfortunately be judged. Knowing his personality, this doesn't surprise me one bit - it was probably bugging him so much cause he knows it's not true. I would do the same thing too if it was about something I worked really hard for and then being questioned about it.
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