On October 22, IU sat down with 'Elle' magazine for a special 'Ask Me Anything' interview.
'Elle' magazine collected a few questions that IU fans have been wanting to ask the singer and took the time to present them during this latest interview. During the interview, IU revealed a surprising piece of new information about herself that she had recently found out.
IU has been long known as an adamant mint chocolate fan. She has said on various occasions and on various shows that she does not understand the people who do not like mint chocolate ice cream. In this interview, one fan asked, "Jieun Unnie, known as being a mint chocolate fan, are you okay with mint chocolate flavored steamed bun?" to which IU began to confess about herself.

IU started by explaining, "So I've become very well-known as a mint chocolate lover. So everywhere I go, people give me mint chocolate. But I've recently learned something new about me." She continued to say, "that I only like mint chocolate in the form of ice cream."

Then IU continued to self-reflect and say, "I think I've carelessly said too many things related to mint chocolate like,' why do you not like mint chocolate?' or 'I feel sorry for people who don't know how mint chocolate really tastes,' or 'You don't like mint chocolate? are you crazy?' I think the statements I've made were a bit hasty."

IU went on to share a story in which she had this realization. She explained, "Because I recently went to this bakery, and there was this mint chocolate cupcake that looked delicious. So I automatically bought it without any doubt and ate it when I got home. But it tasted too much like toothpaste. Whenever people said, 'Mint chocolate tastes like toothpaste,' I would be like 'how does mint chocolate taste like toothpaste? Do you not like brushing your teeth?' I've said things like that in my defense. But now, I know why people who don't like mint chocolate say that it tastes like toothpaste."
She continued, "Why...why did people make food that tastes like toothpaste? So, I understand the true taste of mint chocolate when it's cold. So I think I'm in the middle...I think it depends on the temperature...I would like to make that clear."

Watch the full video, below!
Interesting, once I tried mint chocolate and it was yuck for me. As if I ate a sweetened toothpaste. Maybe it tastes better as ice cream. Will try lol
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