In the preview of JTBC's 'Brave Solo Parenting', actress Jo Yoon Hee and her daughter Ro Ah challenged themselves with making a birthday cake.
On the August 20 broadcast of JTBC's variety show 'Brave Solo Parenting', Jo Yoon Hee invited her daughter Ro Ah's kindergarten friends to her house, and spent time with them. Jo Yoon Hee also gained attention for her friendly relationship with the other mothers. When asked if she wanted to return to working as an actress, Jo Yoon Hee replied, "I liked focusing only on Ro Ah. Because I've been [raising her] by myself for about a year now, I'm worried if I will be able to leave her with someone else. But if a good project comes in, I'm going to act again. I want to be a working mom."
Then, in the preview for the next episode of 'Brave Solo Parenting', it showed Jo Yoon Hee and her daughter going blueberry picking. Jo Yoon Hee was seen saying, "Today is a day where I go to the blueberry farm with Ro Ah. I thought it'd be a good idea to make blueberry cake, using the blueberries that we pick at the farm." The viewers were then shocked to see the caption that read, "Picking blueberries for dad's birthday cake". This was unexpected, as Jo Yoon Hee is known to have divorced from her husband Lee Dong Gun, and currently appears on 'Brave Solo Parenting' to show her life as a single mother. Seeing the recording, the show panelists were taken aback and Lee Na Young, another single mother appearing on the show, stated, "It seems like [you live in] a foreign country, Hollywood?". Kim Hyun Sook added, "You are a great woman. So amazing."
Meanwhile, 'Brave Solo Parenting' airs every Friday, at 9PM KST.

She's trying to maintain a good relationship between her daughter and her daughter's father. That's what a good mother is supposed to do. Anyway, just because you get divorced doesn't mean you can't get along. Helping her daughter make a cake for Daddy's birthday will make her daughter happy and I'm sure her ex-husband will appreciate the gesture.
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