April's Jinsol denied former member Hyunjoo's bullying claims.
On June 11, Jinsol made the below post on Instagram, including a past letter from Hyunjoo on her birthday. The birthday letter suggests she and Jinsol had positive relationship, and Hyunjoo mentions Jinsol probably had a tough time during their group promotions.
After Naeun's letter denying Hyunjoo's bullying claims, Jinsol wrote the following message, denying the allegations as well:
"Hello. This is April's Jinsol. Firstly, I apologize for worrying so many people over the controversy. The reason I've been silent about the speculations and criticisms until now is because of the legal steps we've been taking. We were also unable to release our statements and could only wait after long discussions with the company.
Even in this moment as I'm writing this, I don't know what to say. As no matter what I say, people won't believe me, so I had no choice but to stay silent.
Think about the time we spent with the former member, I started the company in February of 2015 and was confirmed for debut. Without time to get used to it, I had to follow the rules and routines of the debut team, and I was extremely busy practicing. As the members were confirmed, we simply practiced and went back and forth between the dorms and practice rooms as excursions and days off were not allowed. At that point in time, me and most of the members lived as a group and started dorm life for a few months without knowing each other at all. In the process of the group getting to know each other, I rarely ran into the former member. She barely turned up to practice and did not come to the dorms often. We mostly only saw each other during our schedule. Because of that, I didn't have the chance to have many personal conversations with the former member. Despite that, there were definitely times where we both tried to get to know each other and take care of each other. Though it's only a portion of the time, it makes me sad to have to write this because I treasured the memories from back then.
In the time I spent with her and even now, I have never had malicious emotions towards here nor have I acted maliciously. Thank you to the fans that have waited and trusted in me despite being tired by the long silence."
This past April, Hyunjoo stated she was physically and verbally bullied by the girl group members for 3 years, which DSP Media denied. The admission came after Hyunjoo's brother and a former classmate claimed she had been the victim of bullying. Hyunjoo then filed a lawsuit against an alleged former employee at the label who claimed she was lying about being bullied, and some netizens speculated the former employee was actually April member Naeun. DSP Media then moved to file lawsuits against those supporting Hyunjoo on the basis of defamation, the spread of false information, and slander, which was rejected by the court. The label is now attempting to sue Hyunjoo herself.
What are your thoughts on Jinsol's message?
Literally everything this company and April's members do does not help them
>Hyunjoo lists the instances of bullying
>the company confirms every instance took place but it was not bullying but friendly exchanges
>one of the member has her sister accuse Hyunjoo of missing one of the schedules because she's was a slacker
>Hyunjoo's side posts a medical certificate that proves the she was recovering from a suicide attempt during the said scheduled performance, turns out every member and their parents knew that as well
>two of the members write letters where they deny the bullying and call her mentally weak
>the company sues their own artist Hyunjoo, her brother and her friend
>alleged employee claims Hyunjoo a had plastic surgery and a boyfriend, knetz find out her handwriting and the way she writes certain words looks like Naeun's
>the post gets deleted
>police rejects the lawsuits against Hyunjoo's family and friend
>when it's freaking easy to sue someone for libel in korea
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