Chilean comedy show apologizes after controversy for their racist parody of BTS
Posted by Sophie-Ha Tuesday, April 13, 2021
There has been an increase in Asian hate crimes across the world. There also have been various racist remarks and racist depictions of various Korean celebrities, such as the malicious comments directed at football (soccer) player Son Heung Min and the Chile TV show 'MiBarrio.'
The Chilean comedy show has been under fire as they made derogatory and racist jokes about the BTS members relating them to the pandemic. Many netizens banded together, criticizing the comedy show for being extremely insensitive amidst the increasing discriminatory attacks directed at the Asian Community worldwide.
As the controversy increased, and many netizens, including BTS fans, rallied together, continuing to criticize the show for their thoughtless actions. Netizens tweeted various messages using the hashtags #RacismIsNotComedy and #ElRacismoNoEsComedia.
Then on April 12th, Mega, the Chilean television network behind the comedy show, posted their apology regarding the recent controversy.
Despite the posted statement, many netizens once again criticized the Chilean television network's seemingly insincere apology. Netizens pointed out that the apology was not an actual apology and further expressed their anger.
"Humor helps people deal with the difficult moments we are going through due to the pandemic."
Okay, I'm gonna be really honest... that humor made it even more difficult for the moments I am going through in the pandemic. Because of this pandemic, Asian hate has only increased. Those racist jokes that are supposed to be "humor" hurt. You know how terrifying it is to be Asian right now? Do you know how much my family and I stress out if one of our family members don't come back from grocery shopping as quickly as they usually do?! Do you know how terrifying it is to watch my small Korean mother walk out the door during my online classes and wonder if she's gonna come back okay?! If trying to relieve people of pain through humor was their intention, at least know what's going on in the world right now.
20(+22 / -2)
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nickname72732199 ptsTuesday, April 13, 2021 0
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Why are they always post a non-apology 'I'm sorry if you felt offended...'. Is it that hard to accept their wrongdoings? They're always trying to blame the victims: 'you can't take a joke', 'it's just a satire', 'it's my personal opinion'. They're truly disgusting because this apologise won't make them change the ways and the fans will always be the ones who are rabid and overreact.
"Humor helps people deal with the difficult moments we are going through due to the pandemic."
Okay, I'm gonna be really honest... that humor made it even more difficult for the moments I am going through in the pandemic. Because of this pandemic, Asian hate has only increased. Those racist jokes that are supposed to be "humor" hurt. You know how terrifying it is to be Asian right now? Do you know how much my family and I stress out if one of our family members don't come back from grocery shopping as quickly as they usually do?! Do you know how terrifying it is to watch my small Korean mother walk out the door during my online classes and wonder if she's gonna come back okay?! If trying to relieve people of pain through humor was their intention, at least know what's going on in the world right now.
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