Hey all,
Today, we're very excited to announce our new AllKill VIP upgrade!
Our team has been hard at work creating an awesome allkpop experience for you that we hope you're going to love. With AllKill, you'll be able to experience allkpop with zero ads, as well as receive a bunch of aesthetic upgrades, increased limits and free akorns at the start of every month 💰! (aesthetic upgrades are live on the forums and will be rolled out onto the rest of the site shortly).
You'll also receive a cool AllKill banner, unique avatar emblems, and a diamond next to your name. There are a ton of other benefits, which can all be seen here. We'll also be rolling out additional features and aesthetic upgrades on a regular basis -- so you can stan up and stand out from the crowd.
Becoming an AllKill member helps support the site, to allow us to continue producing great content, hold more celebrity events and provide giveaways.