Sonic Korea Mastering Studio’s Chief Engineer accidentally teases aespa's new release
Posted by speedzu972 pts Thursday, January 21, 2021
On January 21, Sonic Korea Mastering Studio’s Chief Engineer Cheon-hoon teased aespa's new release on his Instagram. He wrote, "aespa new single ‘forever’ #aespa #forever #mastering."
i-8-stinky-tofu-44 ptsThursday, January 21, 2021 3
Thursday, January 21, 2021
They should forget about the avatars.
12(+20 / -8)
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yvangelica8,777 ptsThursday, January 21, 2021 3
Thursday, January 21, 2021
The first song wasn't good, but it was catchy... This girls have potential... They are beautiful, have good voices and they have good dancing skills....
They should forget about the avatars.
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