SM Entertainment clarifies reports of the pre-order of many 'out of print' items on online shops
Posted by Yanderedan3,450 pts Friday, January 22, 2021
SM Entertainment released a statement regarding the attempt of the pre-order of many 'out of print' albums on KTown4u.
This situation was brought about when Chinese f(x) [MeU] fans started to collaborate with the Chinese version of KTown4u to see if they can convince SME to re-print many out of print f(x) albums such as Red Light, 4 Walls, and Krystal'sphotobook I Don't Want To Love You.
And now after a week of this going on SME has released the following statement,
"Hello, we're SM Entertainment.
Recently, some online platforms such as "Ktown4U" have attempted to re-produce and purchase SM Entertainment's album, and many fans who love our artists are confused.
As mentioned in the related notice of Ktown4U, We would like to reiterate that such business activities have not been discussed with us in advance, However, in order to repay the fans request for the re-release of the original albums in small quantities, we are working with album producers to produce and supply them quickly, and we would like to inform you that the re-produced albums are distributed to the retailers through the normal distribution process. From now on, we will try to come up with ways to respond quickly to the fans' opinions regarding the re-release of the album through official vendors such as SMTOWN & STORE."
sighs i want old sm albums to be reprinted so badly, i've been begging for YEARS for reprints of old f(x) albums because they're next to impossible to find, and entirely impossible to find unsealed. along with that, i'd love to see a reve, older exo, and nct dream restock i literally just want an sm restock so bad PLEASE
7(+8 / -1)
yvangelica8,777 ptsFriday, January 22, 2021 0
Friday, January 22, 2021
I would love to see SHINee first album be back at stock.
sighs i want old sm albums to be reprinted so badly, i've been begging for YEARS for reprints of old f(x) albums because they're next to impossible to find, and entirely impossible to find unsealed. along with that, i'd love to see a reve, older exo, and nct dream restock i literally just want an sm restock so bad PLEASE