And now on for episode 2.
Remember if you haven’t seen the first one, make sure to read about it here! I’m not a huge fan of the first couple minutes of this episode: “I am a beauty goddess – but only before I take off my makeup.” Her phone doesn’t even recognize her face without makeup so she has to put on a full face of it before she unlocks it.
We start with where we ended off last episode – right on top of Soo Ho – as Joo Kyung accidentally ended up there while trying to pick up the same horror book. It’s ironic because Soo Ho doesn’t recognize Joo Kyung as the beauty queen he sat next to in school but as the one he “rescued” from the other night on the roof – granted he only cares for the girl he saved. For the valedictorian, Soo Ho is not the brightest crayon (but maybe Eun Woo is...)

Even with this information, the next day at school, he’s also seen not interested in Joo Kyung with her makeup on as he just gives her – and every other girl – the cold shoulder at school.
Side note: Joo Kyung’s older sister, Se Mi, is a natural beauty. Im Hee Kyeong who plays this character I would say is truly a natural beauty. Unlike Joo Kyung who has to apply endless amounts of makeup, she plays a role where she is just beautiful without any makeup. I can tell why!
New guy?

As Joo Kyung is shopping for more makeup (why does she have to use so much?!!), she sees the bullies from her old high school and stars running out of the store as she thinks about what they did to her. Cue the dramatic motorcycle entrance of the other male main character, Seo Joon (played by rookie actor Hwang In Yeop). Also pretty sure Olive Young, the makeup store, is sponsoring some of this drama because how does this guy land right in front of one? Seo Joon has a speed chase on foot and Joo Kyung actually ends up stopping some random guys from beating him up.

The only family

We get a glimpse of Soo Ho’s side of the family as he does jiu jitsu with his father. He witnessed his mother getting CPR in the hospital and losing her and his father in bed with another woman, and thus, he does not have a great relationship with his dad. His dad is a famous actor (granted, in real life as well) and he lives separately from him.
Falling for him
Lo and behold, we end up in the same comic book store that Joo Kyung and Soo Ho both love. Joo Kyung is led to think that Soo Ho won’t come to the store because it’s the weekend and the owner said so. But as soon as she turns, he’s there again. This time, saying “You don’t remember me?” She falls for the third time and he catches her again. Is she just a klutz or it’s just coincidence?

Joo Kyung makes Soo Ho sign a pact to not tell anyone about her makeup free face. Before they even sign, they start talking about horror comic books and Soo Ho figures out that Joo Kyung has one that he has been trying to get a hold of for years. They end up eating ramen together (on Soo Ho’s birthday) and Joo Kyung ends up with ramen up her nose! Wow, anyone else have this problem when they ate something super spicy and then coughed? At the end of the day, she ends up giving him a small present of a skeleton sticker and says, happy birthday, which seems meaningful to Soo Ho as he sticks it on his night stand.

Then something interesting happens the next day. The motorcycle guy? He ends up at the same high school as Joo Kyung and Soo Ho and the students recognize him right away. Supposedly at school, him and Soo Ho are like oil and water, they don’t mix and even among the girls they are two differtent types: Soo Ho as the chic romantic guy, and Seo Joon as the tough charismatic guy. It also seems like these two don’t like each other, and we’ll see more of why later on.

A sweet gesture
This episode ends when Joo Kyung accidentally gets caked in the face and Soo Ho comes to the rescue to save her from wiping off her makeup. A sweet gesture (ha!) in itself but we’re left wondering, does he know wat she looks like without makeup or is he just trying to be a nice guy?

Check out next episode’s trailer and leave a comment on your thoughts!
Disclaimer: screenshots are from tvN.
I really liked the webtoon but it has been going a little down hill for me in the last few episodes, but the drama is pretty good so far! Yaongyi did make a beautiful story for the first 90 episodes.