We all know and love the amazing gents from BTS. We all love them and they are absolutely amazing, talented, and hardworking!
This is an appreciation post of these fine gentlemen wearing glasses. Enjoy!
This photo of RM is giving me 'first day of school/work vibes and I AM HERE FOR IT!

*Sputters* This photo of Jin can't be legal, can it?! The levels of handsome being shown by Mr. Worldwide Handsome himself here are OFF THE CHARTS!

Tae has been rocking glasses since day one and we all know it! SELFIE!

I've never been able to mentally prepare myself for a new photo of Yoongi in glasses. Perfection at it's finest! Very professional!

It can't be just me who thinks that these glasses just bring out J-Hope's infectious smile even more right?!

And don't even get me started on Jungkook in this picture! His eyes just sparkle! Love it!

Jimin wearing glasses is a NECESSITY I need in my life! He does know how to work them!!

These men are amazing both inside and out! We truly don't deserve them.
What's that you say?
~ Until next time this is IzzyGyrl signing off!
...not gonna lie..title made me laugh xD