There has been much talk over the project boy group Wanna One over the past few days.
From the vote manipulation controversy of the 'Produce 101' series to the group's participation in music events, there has been a lot of discussion over Wanna One.
Previously, Mnet revealed they have proposed for the boy group to participate together in the '2020 MAMA' as a special joint performance. However, many fans have disagreed with the idea as they thought it was too early for the members of Wanna One to perform together.

Finally, Mnet announced on November 20th that Wanna One will not be performing at the '2020 Mnet Asia Music Awards'. Since then, many netizens are once again discussing in an online community their opinions on the matter.
Netizens have been expressing their dismay at the Mnet company as they want the broadcast company's officials to leave the boy group alone.
"Mnet needs to leave the Wanna One boys alone."
"These people were abusing their power over the group. It's so obvious."
"They need to stop."
"I'm tired of hearing about Mnet asking Wanna One to perform together."
"It's good that his group disbanded instead of promoting more."
"Yeah, they were also the result of manipulated votes, so no reason for them to come together again."
"They shouldn't perform together after the manipulation controversy."
"These sick people at Mnet need to leave Wanna One alone."
"LOL, of course, they shouldn't come back together. They were part of the manipulated votes."
I swear Knetizens are being meaner and meaner. Even if the votes were manipulated, they still made kpop better and contributed to its expansion. They were 11 amazing men and super talented, it won't change just because the vote manipulation was announced... But still, it's for the best that they won't perform so they won't suffer from Mnet anymore
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