
Newly formed 10x Entertainment, releases proof that Woojin was at home while the alleged sexual assault happened, along with a warning for malicious commenters to stop

Posted by Yanderedan3,450 pts Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Newly formed 10x Entertainment, allegedly home to Woojin, has released a statement showing 'proof' that Woojin was at home when the alleged sexual assault happened. They also stated that they will be taking legal action against malicious commenters. 

(Please note that when they released the statement it was 2:00 AM KST, why an 'SNS manager' or Woojin would be awake at this time who knows). Woojin's official social media accounts follow 10x Entertainment on both Twitter and Instagram.

"Hello, we're TenX Entertainment.

We are going to take legal action against the malicious falsehood of Kim Woo-jin, an artist belonging to TenX Entertainment.

Before proceeding with the legal action, release the relevant photographic material to ensure that fans do not misunderstand.

(Photo 1) March 10th, the photo posted on the artist's Instagram on April 29th.
(Photo 2) Around 1 a.m. on April 29th, an artist took a picture of accessories at home (I was at home at that time).

TenX Entertainment confirmed the above directly, and will actively respond to the spread of malicious false information and defamation against the artist with additional evidence.

I will do my best to prevent damage to artist Kim Woo-jin and his fans.

In addition, if you send us related data such as SNS links and PDF files that have been posted on the artist, we will proceed with additional legal action based on the data.

Thank you."
View this post on Instagram

안녕하세요. 텐엑스엔터테인먼트입니다. 텐엑스엔터테인먼트 소속 아티스트 김우진에 대한 악의적 허위사실에 대해 법적 대응을 진행할 예정입니다. 법적 대응 진행에 앞서, 팬 여러분의 오해가 없도록 관련 사진 자료를 함께 공개합니다. (사진 1) 4월 29일 아티스트 인스타그램에 게재된 사진의 촬영일 3월 10일 (사진 2) 4월 29일 새벽 1시경 아티스트가 집에서 악세서리를 촬영한 사진 (해당 시간에 집에 있었음) 위 내용은 텐엑스엔터테인먼트가 직접 확인한 사실이며, 아티스트에 대한 악의적 허위사실 유포와 명예훼손 행위에 대해 추가 증거 자료와 함께 적극 대응할 예정입니다. 아티스트 김우진과 팬 분들에게 피해가 가지 않도록 최선을 다하도록 하겠습니다. 더불어 아티스트 관련 허위사실이 게시된 SNS 링크 및 PDF 파일 등 관련 자료를 메일(report@10x.so)로 발송해주시면, 해당 자료를 바탕으로 추가 법무 조치를 진행토록 하겠습니다. 감사합니다. #김우진 #KIMWOOJIN #10xEntertainment #10xEnt

A post shared by 10x Entertainment (@10x.ent) on

  1. Kim Woojin (Woojin)
102 132,484 Share 72% Upvoted
starrynightz75 pts Tuesday, September 8, 2020 8
Tuesday, September 8, 2020

This is bad news for him. The way he (or his company) handled this... stealing the name from a DJ duo (who has already come forward clarifying that they have nothing to do with a Kim Woojin) and stealing the logo from a furniture business.... this is not looking good at all. Seems like he either made this all up himself or this company doesnt care about getting sued for copyright...

39 (+48 / -9)

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biancardi2,865 pts Tuesday, September 8, 2020 8
Tuesday, September 8, 2020

"Please note that when they released the statement it was 2:00 AM KST, why an 'SNS manager' or Woojin would be awake at this time who knows)"

hahaha - with the current state of the world being in a lock down mode with the pandemic, I am up until 3 am a lot of times. So I found it funny that the "author" of this piece decided to interject their own biases and announce to the world that they go to sleep early.

35 (+41 / -6)

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