Recently, Block B's Park Kyung admitted to the allegations of being a school bully and posted an apology on his social media. However, some netizens are not responding kindly to his apology.
The incident began when a netizen posted on his Instagram exposing the artist's past. The netizen shared some shocking information about Park Kyung's actions in the past that other netizens surprised about. The netizen revealed Park Kyung would, "usually hit disabled students or juniors. He also hit his classmates who were smaller than him or who seemed weak."
Many couldn't believe the claims as Park Kyung maintained a studious image as he appeared in TV shows such as tvN's 'Problematic Men' and boasted of his smarts. However, soon after the allegations were made, Park Kyung admitted to being a bully and posted a long apology.

He shared the stories of his elementary and Junior High School years and asked for forgiveness. Nonetheless, there were three criticisms of Park Kyung's apology that one netizen pointed out. The netizen stated it seems that Park Kyung just sounds like he is justifying his actions by stating reasons why he acted in such ways.

The first point that the netizen pointed out about Park Kyung's apology is he mentioned he was a good boy in elementary school and had the image as "A kid who only knew how to study". The netizen claimed he seemed to keep instilling the idea that he is in fact a good boy.
The second point is that Park Kyung claimed to be a victim as well - That he was made fun of because of his studious image. The netizen claimed that he is justifying his ill actions saying he was a victim as well.
The last point the netizen pointed out was that Park Kyung claimed he "hung out with 'them' and did shameful things 'together with them'." The netizen claimed he seems to be instilling the idea that he was under peer-pressure rather than explaining his actions.

Another netizen criticized saying, "Hi Park Kyung...and Bye. Also, isn't it more correct for you and your agency to find the victims and apologize to them first rather than the victim coming to find you, and then, you apologize?" in response to Park Kyung saying, "Anyone who was hurt by me, please come to me directly or to my agency."
Let us know what you think in the comments below.
Honestly, I dont know Block B - Ive only heard the name because its the group Zico belonged to. Thus, I dont know what the members are really like. Especially Park Kyung. However, he admitted to his bullying, and apologized. Of course, the apology wont lessen what he did - and he outlined that in his apology. However, the thing was - it was his word against the original victims. If he had shut the victim down, nobody wouldve known, and he wouldve kept his image. Yet, he chose to accept his mistake, fully knowing the consequences for him. Nobody told him to apologize, yet he chose too. Thats why Im tryna believe that maybe, just maybe, he really regrets what he did and is trying to change, and that his apology really is sincere.
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