Honey Lee revealed her current whereabouts since the news of her breakup with singer/actor Yoon Kye Sang.
On the June 24 broadcast, Honey Lee was visited by the SBS' 'One Night' crew while she was participating in a photoshoot.
She smiled brightly during the interview after concluding the photo shoot. Honey Lee laughed and said, "I know it's just lip service, but it makes feel happy" after the interviewer said she looks more beautiful than a flower.
She added that she had healing time to refresh her batteries and wanted to take up drawing/painting. She also said she is into Yoga and it's another healing time for her.
Back on June 11, Honey Lee and Yoon Kye Sang's former agency Saram Entertainment confirmed their breakup after 7 years of dating.

I wonder if it has anything to do with marriage? Their both getting other buy Kyesang has no plans to marry, not a good thing for a women especially if they want to safely have children.