A malicious commenter shares experience being sued by SM Entertainment
Posted by Yaki-Jones Saturday, May 2, 2020
A Twitter user shared his experience being sued for tweeting malicious tweets about an artist under SM Entertainment.
On May 2, the anonymous user started off with "I'm writing to Na Jae Min's antis who are hiding behind the anonymity on Twitter. SM is really good at suing these types of accounts. I can say this with confidence from my experience. The company sued me over tweets from 2017 and 18 without a settlement. "
He continued, "So I never really issued an apology, which in turn made fans unaware of SM taking legal actions against malicious commenters. It took me 9 months to receive a statement. They first call you to let you know. Twitter is very cooperative in these cases so that you can't sue an anonymous Twitter user is definitely false information. The reason I'm sharing my experience is to warn off young users from making the same mistake that I did. I was in high school when SM sued me. I thought I was just stating my opinions based on solid facts when I wrote those tweets. I had to go through a living hell. Now that I realize 95% of the tweets I wrote were based on false information, I'm deeply regretting my act and am now seeing a psychiatrist. I know the artist was hurt more and I understand your resentment towards me. But I just wanted to share my experience to warn others."
Glad that he's not complaining, understands what he did was wrong and knows how hurt Jaemin must have felt. Hope others will see this and see that it's not worth it at all cuz karmas a bitch
93(+100 / -7)
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guest_baby-3,863 ptsSaturday, May 2, 2020 4
Saturday, May 2, 2020
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I see a lot on my timeline about sm stans crying how sm doesn't "sue this person.. sue that person". IMO its common sense that anything that has to do legally or a lawsuit is kept confidential. Just because it's not broadcasted all over social media doesn't mean no action is taking place. besides. none of that is the publics's business.
Glad that he's not complaining, understands what he did was wrong and knows how hurt Jaemin must have felt. Hope others will see this and see that it's not worth it at all cuz karmas a bitch
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