1. Beenzino's diss to Bang Shi Hyuk(2015)
Beenzino dissed Bang Si Hyuk in The Quiett‘s 'Hallelujah' for asking him to get plastic surgery to join BTS as a member.
“During my underground days a producer came to me and said this
If I work with him all my wishes will come true
The last thing he said was the punch line
I could join him if I just got jaw reduction surgery.
I don’t need your Bullet Proof
Like that, I declined to be your boy”
Originally, BTS was supposed to debut in 2010 under the name Bullet Proof (Bangtan), consisting completely of underground rappers Beenzino, Basick, Iron, Reddy, Supreme Boy, RM and Loco . The only member from the original lineup that is in the BTS is RM. All the other rappers left because they didn't like the direction the group was being taken in and they refused to give up their roots to be an idol group.
2. Zico targeted idol rappers on his track 'My Team'
"There’s so much fake rappers put together with manuals now ya know what I mean
Every dumb thing around calls me a rival when I’m having a hard time dealing with my saelf
How dare you try to get on my level y’all started with a golden spoon in your mouth Fuck that
When Jaypark and I were shattering prejudice you guys were all hiding in a corner now you try to freeload this ride"
3. G-Dragon's Diss to MAMA at MAMA
G-Dragon's freestyle rap lyrics in the beginning of 'Good Boy' that caught the attention of the media, as it targeted the event.
"This is a year-end fishing for pushovers. Bait. Touts snatching them without a hook.
My record, skill is always (seen) as a lie,
I'm so sorry but I love you. I just f**k it, it's a quickie.
It's been a year, MAMA. Because you set such a large awards (sang), You hand it out generously so your children don't fight.
I'm all grown up now so I get full from even watching,
Just feed the younger ones.
August 18 of '88. You getting wrinkles trying to copy my fate, is your fate.
My age is adding two and seven, it's natural.
I'm the player on stage, so just be a fangirl.
Show Me The Money? I don't even know how much I have.
Gold watch and necklace is just cute.
This year passed and new year is snatching up. I'll share with you. Dragon (yong) Money.
Here you go, allowance (yong-don)."
4. Mino's Diss at GDA to Dispatch for Their Attempt to Ruin His Image
Winner's Mino had a solo performance scheduled of his hit track 'Fiancé and 'Agree'. His performance was pre-recorded because on the day of the event, his group had a solo concert to hold.
"What’d you think this BBQ place is, a photo wall?
See a break, they try to get something out of me these doctor fishes
It’s all the same stuff Dispatch does
You did it? Um...
Whatever... I’m so evading it"
'Agree' is a direct diss at Dispatch that has previously attempted to ruin his image in 2018. He was attacked for following an Instagram account of a photographer called Miller Rodriguez. The photographer's account was accused of pedophilia and pornography. This account and the fact that Mino followed it was brought to light by Dispatch, which caused an outrage among fans who didn't take kindly to Dispatch calling the report an attempt to ruin Mino's image.
5. Bang Yongguk's diss to his former company TS and to the entire K-Pop industry
6 members of B.A.P including Yongguk dued their former company for nullification of their contract. Yongguk dissed his former company and the industry in his solo song '4:44.'
"The lyrics I put my heart into isn’t worth even reading to them
everyone wants only to chase after money and fame
in the very end my lyrics are just trash-letters GO AWAY
Why is everyone looking at me close-mindedly? Whatever I did ,I tried to walk the world while doing my best
but to them it was just hypocrisy to try to hold my head up with pride
people stare at the young child ,after blanky stepping, ripping, and making you fall over
they shamelessly worry for you yeh
values are surrounded with money their broken compasses
don’t try to hug me until the end, I'd rather leave than become
that kind of person
a respect about me happily running around juniors
a reverence to me at the night sky,for my grandfather in my heart"
6.Tymee dissed idol rappers excluding Zico
"Bitches calling themselves rappers,
coming from the idol world, but Zico I can respect.
You're a wannabe, not even close
Someone else wrote the lyrics for you
Pretending to be a rapper You. Got. Busted."
7.Bobby's diss to idol rappers excluding Zico, P.O., Mino and B.I.
iKON's Bobby dissed idol rappers at SMTM
"Works so intensely and hard
Besides B.I ZICO Minho PO, everyone get out of the way
You all keep rupping up the money from the title I’m about to recover
All you damn tone deaf rappers keep defaming
If you don’t think this is about you, you can talk shit about Bobby right now"
"G-Dragon's Diss to MAMA at MAMA
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