
Former YG creative director says Lisa is this generation's best artist + praises Mark

Posted by sl278837 pts Monday, April 13, 2020

Former YG creative director SJ "SINXITY" Shin (Seong Jin Shin) stated that BLACKPINK's Lisa and NCT's Mark are this generation's best artists in a lengthy Instagram post made earlier today.

View this post on Instagram

Lisa는 엔터테인먼트 산업이 배출해 낼 수 있는, 이 세대의 최고의 아이돌/아티스트임이 분명하다. 모든 제작자가 꿈을 꾸는. 재능/실력/매력/노력/인성/성격 모든 스탯이 거의 만점에 가깝다. 연습생 시절 그녀의 월말평가는 항상 경연이 아니라, 혼자 공연이었다. 그 누구도 평가하지 않았다. 감상을 말할 뿐. 가족들과 멀리 떨어진 서울에서 어린 소녀의 성장기는. 대단하고 아름답다. 마크를 보면, 리사를 보면서 느꼈던 많은 것들이 느껴진다. 무대 위에서 컨셉에 맞는 눈빛 손짓 춤선 그 모든 것이 너무 훌륭해서 개인캠이 아닌데도 focus되는 느낌. 그런데 무대 아래에서 느껴지는 다른 모습들과 아우라 또한 비슷하고. 지독한 재능충이면서 노력충인 부분까지도. kpop 아티스트 중 인스타그램 팔로워가 1위인 Lisa지만 아직도 아직도 저평가 되어있다고 생각하고 upside가 많다고 생각한다. 심지어 아직 솔로 앨범을 낸적이 없다. 이건 마치 YG가 로또 당첨되었는데 아직 은행에 찾으러 가지 않은 느낌. Lisa 하나로 YG의 value는 10조의 가치가 있다고 생각한다. Lisa보다도 Mark는 너무나 저평가 되어 있다고 생각한다. NCT의 거의 모든 유닛에 속하면서 어울리지 않는 이미지 부터 너무 다양한 이미지를 보여주면서 마크 자체의 브랜딩이 잡히지 않은 느낌. 그럼에도 이미 마크의 팬인 사람들은 운이 좋거나 보는 눈이 있는 것으로. . “7감때의 마크를 확대 재생산 해주세요. 에스엠. DNA에 장착된 본능적인 swag와 본인 파트가 아니어도 시선을 잡아먹는 1초 1미리 1코마 1프레임의 마크를... 좀 덜 실험적인 비주얼로 부탁드립니다. “ 암튼, kpop의 미래는 이 두 아티스트에게 달려있다고 보고, 이 둘이 각각 수퍼볼 무대에 서는 그날이 꼭 온다고 본다. #개인의취향 #사적인이야기는일기장에

A post shared by SJ : SINXITY (@axis_sinxity) on

SINXITY, who is now running his own creative brand called AXIS, lavished praise upon Lisa. His post reads as follows: 

"Out of all the artists in the entertainment industry, Lisa is this generation's best idol/artist. She is every producer's dream. Talent/skill/charm/effort/personality/morals. Everything is almost at 100 percent. When she was on stage, she turned it into her own solo performance. During her trainee days, no one could critique her monthly evaluations. They only appreciated her performance. Her growth is brave and beautiful, separated from her family at a young age and living in Seoul. When I see Mark or Lisa, I feel many things. To match all your expressions, movements, and lines to the concept is incredible. And even though it's not there time to shine, I can feel their focus. But off stage, although they are different the aura is still the same. Even though she is born with talent, you can also feel her efforts. 

Out of all the K-pop artists, Lisa has the most followers. However, many people say that she is still undervalued but I think there are upsides to that. She hasn't even released a solo album yet. It's as if YG won the lottery but still hasn't gone to the bank to cash the check. Just through Lisa alone, I think she makes YG worth 10 trillion KRW (8.2 billion USD). 

I think Mark is even more undervalued than Lisa. He's in most of NCT's units and takes on so many concepts that don't fit him. But still, Mark's fandom probably sees that as good luck as well... 'Please increase the production value on Mark by 7 times. SM. Creativity and swag are part of his DNA and instinctual. Even when it's not his part, he captures ever second, comma, millimeter, and frame. Please give him less experimental looks.'

Anyways, Kpop's future depends on these two artists, and I think one day we will be able to see them at the Superbowl stage performing."  

What do you think?

  1. Lisa
  2. NCT
  3. Mark
285 141,429 Share 72% Upvoted
LittleSukie13,510 pts Monday, April 13, 2020 20
Monday, April 13, 2020

I think it is very unfair to say this as there are many talented artists out there who are busting their asses for the trade.They all work hard.

44 (+89 / -45)

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koog0082,717 pts Monday, April 13, 2020 26
Monday, April 13, 2020

uhh how is she this generation best. is she the best rapper. nope. is she the best dancer. nope again. i aint saying shes not talented or popular. but generation best not close. let her do some solo and show what she can do herself. if not jennie is better in her group.

42 (+97 / -55)

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