Banana Culture's pre-debut group Trainee 18's choreographer under fire for copying LOONA's choreography
Posted by sl278837 pts Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Banana Culture's pre-debut group Trainee 18 was spotted performing moves copied from LOONA's choreography.
A number of female trainees were spotted performing choreography to Beyonce's "Freakum Dress". However, fans were quick to call out the group's choreographer for plagiarism and point out the moves were carbon copies of routines in LOONA's choreography for "Favorite".
Thought this was going to be one of those times when it’s just one move, but the choreographer really took the whole sequence..
36(+37 / -1)
cabbagejuice4,789 ptsWednesday, April 15, 2020 0
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
its just sad the choreographer didnt even try to break it up, or change the details. if youre gonna blatantly copy a whole chunk of choreo from a song that has 10 million views you better credit it for your own sake. of course people were gonna find out! its even weirder that they copied the dance break version (which you can only see from low quality fancams) rather than the finalized one
Thought this was going to be one of those times when it’s just one move, but the choreographer really took the whole sequence..