Yoochun's reps have denied once again that he's planning on making a comeback to the entertainment industry.
On March 20, Park Yoochun announced the upcoming release of his photo book 'Someday' on social media, and fans have been wondering whether the news means he's ending his hiatus following his illegal drug use. However, one of his reps stated, "The release of the photo book is exactly what was posted on social media. It's right to hold a fan signing event among those who buy photo books."
When asked if he would resume his entertainment career, the rep responded, "He's only releasing a photo book. There is nothing to say in terms of specific plans. We just hope that you don't look at this in a bad light."
Seriously some of you .. if you don't like it don't buy it. He's free to publish a book if he wants it's a free country after all. gah.
And as for all the toilet talk. I'm pretty certain that the charges were dropped. And at least one of them was a blackmail case and they went to jail for that. While the drug charges were proven try to keep things fair and objective when trashing another human (not that I think trashing them online is a positive way to spend your time)..yea I know I'll get downvotes but I'll get over it, click away haters. 😆
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