HiteJinro Chamisul established themselvs as #1 sujo brand by boosting their market share to 60%
This is the first time since "Chamisul," launched in 1998, to record a 60 percent share in the country.
HiteJinro Chamisul established themselvs as #1 sujo brand by boosting their market share to 60%
This is the first time since "Chamisul," launched in 1998, to record a 60 percent share in the country.
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The fact that someone has already unliked this disturbs me something crazy.
It's kind of funny how brand popularity rises and alcohol % is going down. Did you know that in 1998 it had 23% ABV and now it's 20,1% for Chamisul Original and only 17% for Chamisul Fresh.