Angry EXO fans have been sending in boxes of destroyed Chen merchandise to SM Entertainment after the sudden revelation that he would be getting married and having a child.
EXO fans have been using the hashtags #양심없는 첸 탈퇴해 (Leave the group, Chen who has no dignity) and #첸 택배총공 (Chen delivery package). One fan stated: "Throw away your CD's through delivery. If you throw it away in the regular trash you could be fined up 100,000 KRW (84 USD). I get to display my opinions and deal with my trash."

"I just sent in my package so SM will wake up."
"This is the last money I'll spend on Chen."
"These are the products of someone who humiliated me. You don't have to handle this package gently"
SM Entertainment announced last month that Chen would not be leaving the group, further enraging these angry fans who feel betrayed by his marriage news. What do you think of this situation?
do they really not realize how stupid they look by doing all of that? they spent their own money and instead of selling/donating they destroy, basically like ripping their money billz. do they not see that the majority of fans still support him so no one gives a flying fudge about their temper tantrums? good riddance, buhbye ACE )
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